tisdag 29 september 2009

a queen in the city

Måste ta en paus i jobbsökandet (status: en miljon jobb sökta, ingen intervju inbokad), och skriva lite blogg... Jag är inte en tokig royalist (även om jag känner en och annan) MEN... Kolla denna bilden, vilken SMASHINGLY fin drottning vi har och kommer få.

En annan drottning som... Äsch jag byter språk.
She was found and taken to a strange place, to another people. Men sent out by the King to search had found a young woman who had captured their heart, with her kindness, untouched beauty and radiance.
She was fit for the part, but still had to be prepared. In the house of women she was hidden for twelve months, bathing in perfume and oil of myrrh until their sent saturated her hair her skin and she carried their essence.
Brought before the King she won him and his favor instantly, his and everyone who could see her. A royal crown was put on her head and she was made queen. The city loved their new Queen and celebrated her.
Not knowing about his new Queens origin, the King, following the advice of his men who had been insulted by another mans righteousness and were now filled with greed for revenge, declared that all of the Queens people were to be hunted, killed and destroyed.
The Queen knew deep within, the reason why she had been brought to this place, and put in this position. She turned to God, praying and fasting together with her people for three days. Then, fearing her own life, breaking the law, she went before the king with one desire on her heart, to save her people.
The young Queen again won the favor of her King and the decreed was changed, and so the people were saved.
The church is like this Queen, chosen by God because of its untouched and beautiful way of life. Put into position and winning the favor of the City through kindness and the presence of something that is attractive, the Holy Spirit, the life giving truth. An essence and sent of time spent with God in prayer and worship.
As the city loved its Queen, this city will love its Church. Kings of this City will ask, what is your request? What can I give you?
When people in the City are threatened, destroyed and hunted the Church will rise, without considering its’ own safety or comfort and demand salvation. The decreed will change and the people will be saved.
The Church in this City is placed here, for such a time as this.
Och nu,
tillbaka till arbetsförmedlingens websida. Tänk att det finns ett fantastiskt, utvecklande, roligt, intressant, BRA betalt deltidsjobb till mej där ute någonstans. Det är bra. Nu ska jag söka rätt på det.

torsdag 17 september 2009


Godmorgon! Every sunrise marks the beginning of something new. God says I make everything new. So amazing. Everyday planned by God but still unwritten, still an empty sheet, God waiting for you to write and fill with each days dreams, words spoken, people met, situations influnced by you and his holy spirit together. Everyday becomes an adventure when you start it with whispering -goodmorning holy spirit, what is on your heart today?-

Posted by ShoZu

fredag 11 september 2009

bloggen och jag lever!

NEJ, jag har inte drabbats av den ofrånkomliga bloggtorkan :-)

Veckorna bakom har varit faboulusly intensiva och fantastiska. Bibelskolan har brakat igång, vilken klass, vilka goa människor, de nya lokalerna med SOS Church ska börja funka, arbetas och levas in.
Första fantastiskt möte i söndags, det Gud tänker med SOS Church håller på att ta form! Välkommen på söndag kl 16 om du inte varit här än!
Mitt kontor ser just nu lite ut som ett övergivet databutikslager, flyttkartongskatastrof med en touch av pynt och försök till trivsamhet och organisation. Hur ser det ut tänker du nu? Ja... iallafall! Idag är min lyckodag.
Martina och Pidde kommer i em och hjälper mej installera datorer, skruva hyllor och sånt som man måste ha dataexpertis, skruvmejsel och kallt huvud för. Inget som jag äger speciellt mycket av :-) Dom äger mer kompetens och hjärta än McGyver, Wonder Woman och Obama tillsammans.
Martina tack för att du finns! Du är min förebild i Gudsliv, engagemang i människor, överlåtelse och arbetsglädje!